Dance Awake Reference Resources

Some words from our facilitators to inspire movement in you. 

Brian Bergman

The Conscious Dancer

Could the state of the world, our lives, our relationships actually be ideal conditions to help us wake up to a rich, vibrant, loving, creative, and meaningful life? Is it not worth trying to discover healthy and uplifting strategies of moving in all this chaos? Methods that help us to connect with life. Paths where we can discover our strength and creativity.  Ways that help us at the very least to not be crippled by apparent state of things. 

This article presents what I know through direct experience as a great way: Conscious Dance.

"Nobody in this world is able to dance as you dance or experience life the way that you do. And that is worth celebrating"
- Brian Berman

Alice Cox

Dancing a Difficult Dance

In the first year that I discovered conscious dance my experience was entirely wrapped in the feeling of joy… and it SAVED MY LIFE!!!! I had just turned 25 and I had been in and out of depression, overwhelming self-doubt, anxiety, self-harm and even suicidal thoughts from the age of 11, I was exhausted!

Tali Deetlefs

A Journey of Healing

I have always loved dancing. I feel free and like I can just be myself. During my late teens and early twenties, I danced the night away in clubs and at parties without realizing what a saving grace it was. I had a tough time growing up.

Brian Bergman

How To Drop Into a Conscious Dance Class

Once you know the  basics guidelines you will be able to easily drop in and get the most out of any conscious dance experience.